Retinol Chit Chat & Why You Should Be Using One NOW!
Retinol - A Literal Fountain of Youth!
I think when most people think of retinol they either think, old age or acne. What a lot of people don't understand is that when damage is done it's hard to reverse - not impossible BUT hard. I think of it like a home - Are we going to start taking care of our home once its fallen apart? Or do take care of it on a daily basis so it doesn't fall apart? Fingers crossed everyone just answered "daily basis"!
So why should I be using a Retinol? Retinol helps increase cell turnover and collagen production which in-turn softens fine lines and wrinkles. However, Retinol is not just a skin corrector, it works as a powerful preventative so the sooner its added into your regime, the better. Collagen is what keeps our skin firm and youthful. As one nears 30, collagen production decreases so our body isn't naturally making it like it use to which is when the skin begins to decrease in firmness and the wrinkles pop up (SO SCARY)!
Let's be real, I use to live in the tanning bed. I suffered from acne in high-school so the tanning bed helped tone down the breakouts. As many know, the tanning bed also welcomes wrinkles at an early age. I've always been a sun lover 100%! As my mom use to say, tan fat is better than white fat. * LOL* When I hit 23, I felt like I started noticing my sun days showing. Of course, I freaked out. If you know me know me, you know my middle name is DRAMATIC! LOL So this is when my search for anti-aging products started.
The past 3 years I've noticed the biggest difference in my skin just from using a Retinol. When my friends ask for advice on what to use for aging I always say a Retinol!! Using a Retinol can make your skin dry so you should always incorporate a good moisturizer. You should also ONLY use a retinol at night - UV rays and sunlight decreases the efficacy of the product. Below I will be linking my favorite Retinol I've tried along with moisturizers that help with the dryness. *Side Note: If you suffer from acne or oily skin this will help. Another reason I don't go without a Retinol.*
Favorite Retinol Options (Different Price Points Included):
Favorite Moisturizers:
Let me know which one you try! I promise your skin will thank you later!
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